Its faculty work with clear, effective techniques and artistic principles in the fields of movement, acting and speaking, exploring and researching how they can be employed effectively together.
In the main - though not limited to - inspiration comes from the work of Russian actor Michael Chekhov on the one hand and on Rudolf and Marie Steiner’s approach on the other. Inherent in both is an understanding that when we work as artists we engage with an intangible yet objective world that is larger than ourselves.

Michael Chekhov
Michael Chekhov is a Russian-American actor, director, author, and theatre practitioner. He developed an acting technique, a ‘psycho-physical approach’, central to which are transformation, working with impulse, imagination and inner and outer gesture. This approach offers clear and practical tools in working with the artist within each individual.

Rudolf Steiner
A philosopher, social reformer, architect and esotericist, Rudolf Steiner founded a new approach to acting, storytelling, and the recitation of poetry, including developing the art of eurythmy, sometimes referred to as "visible speech and song". Both Chekhov and Steiner invite performers to develop their imagination as an independent creative force and as a resource for the artist. Each performer will need to learn to be truly present in everything they do and to make conscious choices when they create artistically.